HT Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.
Reduction Clearing Agent for Polyester HT-W - 翻译中...

Reduction Clearing Agent for Polyester HT-W - 翻译中...

[Brief Information Reduction Clearing Agent For Polyester HT-W]

-- This product is a new generation of reduction clearing agent for polyester in disperse dyes. Used to replace the traditional insurance powder method. With strong reducing ability, convenient use and easy cleaning feature washed fabrics more bright, more secure.

[Main composition]
-- Surfactant complex

[General properties]
-- Appearance: light yellow transparent liquid
-- Ionicity:    Zwitter-ion
-- pH: 8.5 + 1
-- Solubility: Easily soluble in water
-- Compatibility: compatible with nonionic, cationic, anionic products

[Reduction Clearing Agent For Polyester Properties And Fields Of Application]

-- Not sulfur, completely remove the unfixed dyes on fabric, make the fabric obtain high fastness and brightness, better than the insurance powder.
-- Because the product is liquid and easy to store, the material is simple
-- High cost, less dosage, just the amount of 50-70% powder insurance
-- To solve the problem of insurance powder is not safe, is a new full environmental protection (free formaldehyde, APEO) of the reducing agent

Suitable for the reductive cleaning of polyester and blended fabrics with disperse dyes
Dosage: 1 - 3 g/L (depending on the depth of dyeing)
Soda ash: 0.5 - 1.5 g/L
Bath than 1:10 ~ 15, heating up to 80 to 90 DEG C, insulation of 20 ~ 30 min, water.

[Packing and storage]
-- Packing: 125 kg/polyethylene drum
-- Storage: 6 months in sealed container in cool and dry place.

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